Standing Order Regarding Conduct During Proceedings

The following shall govern the conduct of Proceedings in the Georgia Tax Tribunal.

Courtroom Decorum

Persons attending a session of the Georgia Tax Tribunal shall:

  • Conduct themselves at all times in an orderly fashion.
  • Refrain from smoking or other use of tobacco, eating, drinking, (except water provided to counsel and witnesses), gum chewing, newspaper or magazine reading, loud talking or other obtrusive behavior.
  • Be seated while court is in session.
  • Rise when instructed to do so, for example, upon opening, closing or declaring recesses of court and remain standing until the presiding Judge is seated or exits, as applicable.

Use of Electronic Device

Mobile telephones, audible pagers or other electronic devices shall not be used in the Courtroom and shall either be turned off or be kept in “silent” or “vibrate only” mode.  Computers shall not be used in the courtroom, unless authorized by the presiding Judge.


No person – except duly authorized law enforcement officers – shall have in his or her possession or cause to be brought into the courtroom any weapons, destructive devices, or any components of the foregoing.

Courtroom security officers are authorized to open and inspect any item carried into a courtroom.

Broadcasting and Photographs

All persons are prohibited from broadcasting, televising, recording, or taking photographs in the courtroom and immediately adjacent areas, whether during sessions of court or recesses between sessions.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, the presiding Judge may authorize:

  • the use of electronic or photographic means for the presentation of evidence, or for the perpetuation of a record, and
  • the broadcasting, televising, recording, or photographing of investitive or ceremonial proceedings.


Any person violating these courtroom rules may be subject to punishment for contempt of court or removal from the courtroom or both, as determined by the Court.

Additional Orders

Nothing in this Standing Order precludes a Judge from making and enforcing such additional orders as are necessary to maintain security, order and decorum in proceedings.

As approved by the Chief Judge of the Georgia Tax Tribunal.

So ordered, this 16th day of January, 2013.