What Kind Of Cases Can Be Heard By The Georgia Tax Tribunal?
The Georgia Tax Tribunal generally has jurisdiction over appeals of tax matters involving the Georgia Department of Revenue. This includes the jurisdiction to review decisions of the Department of Revenue with respect to Georgia income tax (both corporate and individual), Georgia sales and use tax, withholding taxes and certain other taxes.
The Georgia Tax Tribunal may hear cases seeking review of final assessments and tax executions, as well as actions seeking refunds of taxes previously paid.
The Georgia Tax Tribunal does not address and cannot resolve matters involving federal income tax issues. Taxpayers who have issues regarding their federal income tax liability should not file with the Georgia Tax Tribunal. The Georgia Tax Tribunal addresses only Georgia tax issues.
What's the difference between a small claims case and a regular tax case?
The Tax Tribunal’s Small Claims Division does not have jurisdiction over:
- any proceeding contesting a tax liability (or associated penalties) alleged by the Department of Revenue or other respondent to be due to evasion or attempted evasion;
- petitions challenging proposed or official assessments of public utility property, airline flight equipment, or railroad equipment cars;
- petitions challenging the denial of a petition for an alternative allocation or apportionment method; or
- actions for declaratory judgment challenging the validity of a Department of Revenue rule.
For other matters within the Tax Tribunal’s jurisdiction, you may file your petition as a small claims case if your dispute meets certain dollar limits described below. Small claims cases are handled under simpler, less formal procedures than regular cases. However, the Tax Tribunal’s decision in a small claims case cannot be appealed to a higher court by the Department of Revenue or by the taxpayer(s). Other rules relating to small claims cases and the Tax Tribunal in general can be found on the Rules & Standing Orders page.
Note: You can choose to have your case conducted as either a small claims case or a regular tax case by checking the appropriate box in paragraph 5 of the
Petition Form .
Dollar limits for small claims cases
Dollar limits for a small claims case vary depending on the type of tax in dispute.
- If you are disputing an income tax liability that is less than $15,000 (including principal and any penalties but excluding interest), you may elect to proceed under the small claims case procedures.
- If you are disputing a liability for taxes other than income taxes, and the amount of that liability is less than $50,000 (including principal and any penalties but excluding interest), you may elect to proceed under the small claims case procedures.
Time limits for electing to have a small claims case
Time limits for electing to have a small claims case
With certain exceptions, you may elect to have your case conducted under small claims case procedures any time within 90 days of filing a petition with the Tax Tribunal. You cannot change your election after the 90-day period has ended.
Do I need a lawyer to represent me in a Tax Tribunal case?
In regular tax cases, individuals may either represent themselves or be represented by an attorney. All other types of taxpayers must have legal counsel. Nonresident attorneys who are not active members of the State Bar of Georgia may move for permission to appear before the Tribunal as provided in the Tribunal’s rules of practice and procedure. The same rules apply in small claims cases except that accountants or other tax return preparers may accompany and appear with the taxpayer in order to provide factual information regarding positions taken on the taxpayer’s tax return(s).
How Do I …
File a Petition?
Complete a Written Petition
A case in the Georgia Tax Tribunal is initiated by filing a Petition with the Tax Tribunal. The Petition must be in writing and must include a summary statement of facts and law upon which the Petitioner relies in seeking the requested relief.
There is no set form for a Petition. The Petition may be in any form prepared by the Petitioner which reasonably specifies the matter for consideration by the Georgia Tax Tribunal.
A Petition may be filed using the
Petition Form.
Important Considerations when Filling out a Petition:
Considerations for Filing PetitionIt is important for the Petition to include a copy of the Department of Revenue document or documents to which the Petitioner objects (such as an official assessment notice or tax execution). This will greatly assist both the Tax Tribunal and the Department of Revenue.
Send the Following Items with Your Written Petition to the Tax Tribunal
To help ensure that your case is properly processed, please enclose the following items with your petition to the Tax Tribunal:
Mail Petition and Forms- A copy of any notice that the Georgia Department of Revenue issued to you or any other Department document upon which your Petition is based.
- A $60 filing fee, paid online, unless you want your case conducted under the small claims case procedures. You can complete online payment here.
- A completed
Statement of Taxpayer Identification Number form.
Mail Copies of the Petition to the State Revenue Commissioner & other Respondents
Taxpayers must also send copies of the written Petition to:
- The State Revenue Commissioner
Georgia Department of Revenue
P.O. Box 105665
Atlanta GA 30348-5665 - By certified mail or statutory overnight delivery to
The Office of the Attorney General
Georgia Department of Law
Tax Section
40 Capitol Square, S.W.
Atlanta, GA 30334-1300 - and any other respondents named in the Petition.
- The State Revenue Commissioner